Impact Stories

“The CMI team knows coaching, they know missions and inter-cultural issues, and they know God (most importantly). I will recommend this training for cost, comprehensiveness, and competency to anyone who is in missions or ministry or simply wants to use coaching in their personal or professional lives. It is a life skill that is universally helpful and applicable.”  Nov 2021

“Foundations for Coaching Excellence completely changed how I interact with people, both in official coaching sessions and in everyday life. Learning how to step out of the way and empower someone to overcome obstacles and achieve dreams has been an incredible gift. So thankful for the entire CMI team!”

July 2023

“The Coaching with Cultural Intelligence course gave me the gift of being able to come face to face with my own values and the bias attached to some of those values. That, in turn, stretched out “the tent pegs” of my mind, which equates to enlarging “my territory”. An enlarged territory means a greater capacity to love God, myself and others … to see others the way God sees them.”

June 2023

“Providing coaching to others has allowed me the opportunity to see Jesus move in powerful ways in people’s lives, their ministries and in the nations where they are serving. It has strengthened my faith and confidence in the work God is doing on a large scale around the world and on a small scale in individuals lives.”

May 2023

“If I hadn’t taken this course I probably wouldn’t still be in missions.
Through the impact of the coaching training and working with people, my life has changed” May 2023

Our Courses Impact

Feedback statements from students and graduates of CMI’s Courses.

The Coaching with Cultural Intelligence course has reached a heart and practical level greater than all the other [cross cultural] teachings, or books I’ve read. By that I mean it has impacted not only my coaching, but how I function and communicate in life, too.”

April 2023

“I got involved with coaching hoping to learn a skill that would enhance my leadership role in Latin America with our mission. What I didn’t realize was the training would revolutionize all I do. One of the things I do is train church planters. Before I would go in and teach people how to start new churches with some success. In [one country] especially, I knew I really needed to invest in several leaders there so I began coaching three leaders there. They have been transformed through this different approach I learned through coaching. In the last eighteen months, 90 new churches have been started in [this country].”

February 2023

“Coaching has been the missing link in seeing young leaders grow, felt seen and keep them moving forward in a very supported way as they follow God’s call on their lives.”

January 2023

“Through the Foundations for Coaching Excellence Course, I have gained confidence and training to walk alongside others at critical points of decision and transition. Through the hands-on training I learned each step of a coaching session and putting it all together was so exciting!”

December 2022

“I just want to say thanks for your investment and training. It’s kind of crazy to think about all the things that WON’T be left on the table, things that will be brought to life for the Kingdom with the help of all the coaches you’re putting out into the world. Keep on keeping on!”

November 2022

“It was really cool to see the [coaching] process really work. I’m growing in my trust and comfort in the coaching funnel. I’m really excited to be on the journey with my clients to see them conquer these life changing goals.”

November 2022

“This training impacted me a lot by giving me a heart and love for those I am coaching. This is not merely a skill that I learned, but a heart to see transformation.”

October 2022

“God has really used [the] Coaching with Life Purpose trainers and the CLP course to tell me how much He sees, loves and cares. I don’t know how to convey my heartfelt thanks to all of you. The course content is used almost daily as I walk with and coach people, in informal and more formal ways. I want to tell all leaders to go through your global certification irregardless of their vocation because it’s truly transformational. I’m extremely thankful for the team’s past, present and future labor of love. May our Father’s richest blessings continue to be poured out on CMI, its staff, and the work He has carved out for all of you.”

September 2022

“This course gave me the gift of being able to come face to face w/ my own values & the bias attached to some of those values. That, in turn, stretched out “the tent pegs” of my mind, which equates to enlarging “my territory”. An enlarged territory means a greater capacity to love God, myself and others … to see others the way God sees them.“

July 2022

“The best word I can use to describe going through the CMI Foundations for Coaching Excellence training is “Transformational…” I came out of this week-long intensive with more direction, confidence & excitement for the coaching process that I ever could have imagined! I learned everything I needed to start my coaching journey & more. I’m excited to come back for more training in the future in order to continue perfecting my coaching skills.”

April 2022

“I came back from 12 years on the field knowing I would be asked to join in the conversation of helping missionaries on, resting and returning from their own field assignments. I wanted to have something to offer that went beyond the typical mentor coaching I was familiar with. CMI’s Foundations for Coaching Excellence was exactly what I was hoping for–a way to come alongside others and partner with the Spirit in how He was already working. What a gift to give others – my belief in them, how they hear the Lord and how they are created! Thank you for giving me the tools to help others see true transformation in their lives and renewed hope for their future!”
June 2022

Our Coaches Impact

Feedback statements from individuals being coached by CMI Coaches!

“[My coach] was very easy to talk to, very skilled in her questions, extremely talented at helping me re-form my own words into goals and action steps while holding true to what I meant. And I felt coached as a person; I had many lightbulb-moments that helped me grow as a person.”

August 2023

“The time [being coached] was so helpful – during a very pivotal transition time for our family, it gave me clarity and focus. When I look back on that stage it was very much the coaching that helped our family grow and move forward.”

August 2023

“My Coach has a way of helping me see what gifts God has given me and how they can be used for His glory. I have developed a confidence in who He has made me and what He has called me to do. This has been such a clarifying and confirming time and it has resulted in me making bigger decisions and taking bigger steps for Him than before. Our coaching time has been a great gift to me and many others.”

February 2022

“The Life Purpose Discovery Coaching training has been a tremendous help to our organization in Eastern Europe. About 30% of our colleagues are in their 40’s and 50’s, and they are feeling a need to refocus their calling. In Poland I led a Life Purpose Discovery workshop for 18 of our Polish colleagues, with follow-up coaching after. One Polish colleague said, “This coaching helped me more than I could have imagined! At 55 I want the rest of my ministry to count. You have helped me recognize my passions, gifting, message, audience, and options for the future. I want to recommend you and this kind of coaching to all our Polish staff members.”

December 2021

“I thoroughly enjoyed my coach. She knew when to challenge me to clarify a point, made me dig deep and think of my own solutions which I never knew I had. I felt encouraged and listened to and she listened and helped me come to decisions.”

October 2021

“Thank you for partnering with the Holy Spirit at this critical point in my life and together with Him, bringing such breakthroughs to my life! May God continue to use you to bring His Life to all you coach.”

August 2021

“When I began coaching the wife of a regional missions leader, she could not see what she had to offer, even though she had been in this work for 20-some years. I coached her for ten sessions through the Life Purpose materials, focusing on how to uncover her life message. Since identifying her life message she has traveled to twelve mission bases, where she taught the materials she developed through the life coaching. For the first time she recognizes she has something to impart to others. She recently said that the most important highlight of her one-year sabbatical was going through coaching. It helped transform her life.”

June 2021