Coaching Skills for Life & Leadership Mini-Workshop — Online


Join us for the Online Coaching Skills Life and Leadership Mini-Workshop! This one-day experience will be held on May 8, 2024, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM US Eastern time.

At CMI, our mission is to multiply coaching for missions. We serve global missions by providing high-quality coaching, coach training and coach support to help mission workers overcome challenges, personally thrive and effectively fulfill their calling. We know not everyone will become a coach, or a coach for missions. However, we believe everyone can benefit from learning and practicing these skills in everyday conversations and relationships. The skills are great for developing the people on your team and in your organization.

In this workshop, basic coaching skills will be introduced and demonstrated. This workshop will not qualify one to be a trained coach, but equip them to begin using basic coaching skills in their life and relationships – at work, with friends and family, and as they interact with others.

Register here and you will receive a link and instructions to connect with us on the day of the workshop. See below for details. We look forward to seeing you there!



Coaching Skills for Life & Leadership Mini-Workshop

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM on May 8, 2024

Concepts Covered

  • What coaching is, and how it differs from other people helping approaches
  • The heart and mindset of a coach
  • The hands/skills of a coach
    • Foundational listening skills
    • Asking great questions
  • How to apply these skills in life and leadership

Technical Requirements

  • Participants will use Zoom on a supported computer or device to connect with us.
  • Find out more about Zoom and download the app at
  • A broadband internet connection capable of video streaming is required.